Heidi Trautmann

March 2 - Nest Birding Trip with Brian Little

The next Kuskor Birding Trip will be on Saturday 2nd March


Meeting:- Catalkoy Lemar

Time 8 am

Cost: 35TL for non-members 25TL for members

Bring: Something to eat and drink (that way you won’t starve)

Passengers will need to make an additional 15TL contribution to fuel costs of the nominated drivers.


Renowned expert Brian Little should be joining us again to lend his wonderful insights. This is Brian's last trip before his return to the UK.


2013 Kuskor membership will be available on the day, only 25tl per annum. As well as reductions in birding trips etc. members enjoy full access to the well-stocked Cyprus Nature Library in Girne. Membership also allows the society to continue in its important work protecting the wildlife of Northern Cyprus.


Please email gavin.croucher@hotmail.com if you want to come and let me know if you need transport or can give a lift to others, also if you would like to borrow binoculars for the trip.


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