Heidi Trautmann

80 - The French-Cypriot Turkish Cultural Association – New Cultural Season



On the occasion of a reception on October 8 in the beautiful courtyard of the old Ottoman house in 4, Dervis Paşa Sokak in the Arabahmet Quarter, a selection of short films by young filmmakers of the Fresnoy Contemporary Art Studio in Paris were shown. The films were intriguing, without any dialogues, stories were told by pictures and most impressing was the simplicity of means. Loneliness in masses, loneliness in big cities with moments of great intimacy, political and social loneliness of minorities and loneliness through the lifelong return of daily routine. Well done, a mirror of society shown by young people.


Kemal Dorum, the President of the Association welcomed the guests, among them some Cypriot Turkish artists and EMAA board members Osman Keten, President; Özgül Ezgin, Vice President and Zehra Sonya, Secretary; from Sidestreets Anber Onar and her husband Johann Pillai, and many more interested people.

He expressed the wish to extend the activities of the cultural centre, to become a cultural centre for all, not only those who wish to speak and study French, but to get together for cultural exchange and art activities. Where can we work together. A programme will be worked out.


I was given a very interesting announcement concerning the ULYSSES Project 2009 which is among others supported by the French Embassy.

Onboard a French Navy boat an exclusive circle of writers and lecturers will celebrate - on their tour from La Valetta (Malta) to Beirut (Lebanon) – famous personalities who, through their travels and their intellectual and spiritual brilliance have impregnated the Mediterranean culture. The boat will arrive in Limassol on October 19 for a three days stay.

During this stay there will be onboard:

Jean-Marie Gustave Le-Clézio (Nobel Prize for Literature 2008; Adonis, Antoine Assaf, Salim Bachi, Charles Dantzig, Olivier Frébourg, Vénus Khoury-Ghata, Edgar Morin, Alexandre Najjar, Patrick Poivre d’Arvor, Robert Solé, Salah Stétie et Takis Thédodoropoulos. (You can look up their CVs in the internet)


Within the framework of this project will be a cultural programme (free admittance):


Oct 19 at the Rialto Theatre in Limassol: Concert “With one Voice” at 20:30


For one evening musicians and singers from Israel and Palestine will get together in cooperation with the bi-communal Cyprus Choir for Peace to sing “with one voice”.


Oct 20 at the Cyprus University (Kallipolous Ave) Amphitheatre at 15:30


Lecture: Takis Theodoropoulos (in Greek, with simultaneous translation into French)

Lecture on poetry by Georges Moleskis (in Greek and French)

Round table discussions on Albert Camus with Daniel Rondeau, Salah Stétie, Salim Bachi and Iannis Ioannou (in French with simultaneous translation into Greek)


If you want to know more about it call 228 3328




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