Heidi Trautmann

294 - Invitation to ISSEI - Art Scholars, Researchers and Artists - Call for Papers

I received an invitation from Canada and I am happy to forward it to my friends, to university departments, art teachers and artists, Heidi


Dear researchers on Cyprus,

The purpose of this email is to ask you to consider giving a paper at the next conference. The International Society for the Study of European Ideas (ISSEI) Conference, meets next July at the “University of Cyprus”.My colleague, David Lovell and I decided that it would be good to follow up the last ISSEI Conference (held in Ankara in 2010), where we organized a workshop on Turkey and her Neighbours, with one on a similar theme. The Workshop in 2012 will centre on the topic of Cyprus and her Neighbours. It would be good to have papers examining the relationship between the Cypriot communities; between Turkey, Greece and Cyprus (and Turkey, Cyprus and the European Union), and on other related topics. For details of the conference, please visit http://issei2012.haifa.ac.il/, then click on “List of Workshops” and “Cyprus and Her Neighbours: A Long History” for details. I think it’s important that the Turkish Cypriot and Turkish viewpoints are heard at this major international event.

Please let me know if you’re interested in submitting an abstract; and please forward this email to anyone else you think might be interested. We’ll start compiling the programme early next year, and would appreciate hearing proposals by January 15th.

I look forward to hearing from you,


Jonathan Warner

Professor and Tutor in Economics

Quest University Canada

3200 University Boulevard

Squamish, BC V8B 0N8


After some correspondence Jonathan came back with the idea.....

.....  I’m wondering also if artists might contribute to the workshop: art often has the ability to say things that words can’t. ...

How very true!


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