Heidi Trautmann

996: ‘TALISMAN – Un-divulged Secrets’ Art Exhibition at the SOL Atelier Nicosia

‘TALISMAN – Un-divulged Secrets’.... says Omid Kalantar Motamedi  – Art Exhibition at the SOL Atelier Nicosia


By Heidi Trautmann


Facing the new art works by Omid Kalantar Motamedi I feel transported back to the early ages when symbolism was most important and often the only way to impress and inform people who were not taught to read and would have to rely on painted messages and or sculptures created by a learnt person. Strong messages these were, either meant to protect or to fend off peril. Witch doctors were in great demand to make amulets and cook up potions for all kind of purposes. Read the introduction Omid Kalantar made to explain the research he was undertaking for the project of his exhibition, research he did especially with relation to the Islamic traditions. http://www.heiditrautmann.com/category.aspx?CID=5517222226#.Wwk-7u6FOUk


More than today people then believed in occult sciences, in the power of words, images and numbers, lines and diagrams, and wearing such talismans around their neck or have them hidden in the house, reassured them and made them stronger or even invulnerable. Talisman Art with its mystical signs, what is their secret meaning?  Graphic drawings such as circles including segments of different angles, calculated values, are they relating to the universe, the stars, with its constellations to each other or to the parts of the human body? What are the secrets of numbers, chains of words? What role do animals play in this mystical game?


Omid Kalantar has delivered a very precious presentation of his research work on this complicated and still not fully and satisfactorily explored field of cultural domain. He was using all kind of graphic techniques to realize the strong language of Talisman art and leaf gold and the wooden frames play an important part, they are supporting the messages. Guests at his exhibition were ‘reading’ his works attentively and trying their own interpretations, which was of great interest to the artist.  In our enlightened society we still have – however hardly talked about – believers and followers of occult sciences and – I confess – sometimes I wished I were a witch with a magic wand to change things for the better for all of us, and I would certainly use one of Omid’s suggested talismans.

The exhibition is open daily from 14:00 to 19:00 hrs until 09 June 2018 at SOL Atelier in Baf Sokak (Paphos Street), Arabahmet Area, Nicosia.






















Omid Kalantar in the centre
Omid Kalantar in the centre



Omid Kalantar and Toya Akpinar, the owner of the SOL Atelier
Omid Kalantar and Toya Akpinar, the owner of the SOL Atelier


the guests in front of the SOL Atelier in Baf Sokak
the guests in front of the SOL Atelier in Baf Sokak






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