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Heidi Trautmann Column
Jun 06 - Jul 02 : Art exhibition Rüya and Anna in Nicosia South and Nicosia North
I met them both, Rüya and Anna....with Rüya I led an interview which is to be found in my book 'Art and Creativity in North Cyprus, Volume I' ...Rüya died very young, it came like a shock to us; since her departure her sister Hülya keeps her studio in the heart of Nicosia in order and I am happy to know that she brings out Rüya's work once again. Anna was a friend and colleague to her. I had met Anna at the event Art Aware at the Goethe Centre and later we came together for a short film done by the Deutsche Welle, A German TV channel about art in Cyprus.
Details of exhibition:
An exhibition of work by the late Rüya Reşat and Anna Kakouli, this event seeks to bring together art lovers from across the island to honour the memory and work of Rüya Reşat and her friend and fellow artist, Anna Kakouli. The event is being held under the auspices of UNFICYP, Mr. Constantinos Yiorkadjis and Mr. Mehmet Harmancı.
6 – 10 June at Famagusta Gate. Opening hours: Tuesday – Friday, 10:00 – 13:00 and 16:00 – 20:00. Opening: Monday, 6 June at 19:30
27 June – 2 July at Eaved House/Saçaklı Ev. Opening hours: Tuesday – Friday, 8:00 – 18:30 & Saturday, 10:00 – 13:00. Opening: Monday, June 27, 19:30
Map links below
Μια έ
κθεση της τέχνης της Ρουγιάς Ρεσιάτ (που πέθανε πρόσφατα) και της Άννας Κακουλή, με σκοπό να φέρει μαζί κόσμο που αγαπά την τέχνη από όλη την Κύπρο για να τιμήσουν την μνήμη και την δουλειά της Ρουγιάς Ρεσιάτ και της φίλης και ζωγράφου, Άννας Κακουλή. Η έκθεση είναι υπό την αιγίδα της ΟΥΝΦΙΚΥΠ, του κ. Κωνσταντίνου Γιωρκάτζη και του κ. Μεχμέτ Χαρμαντσί.
6-10 Ιουνίου στην Πύλη Αμμοχώστου. Ώρες επισκέψεων: Τρίτη με Παρασκευή 10:00 – 13:00 και 16:00 – 20:00. Εγκαίνια: Δευτέρα, 6 Ιουνίου στις 19:30.
27 Ιουνίου με 2 Ιουλίου στο Εaved House (δίπλα από την Αγ.Σοφία). Ώρες επισκέψεων: Τρίτη με Παρασκευή 8:00 – 18:30 και Σάββατο 10:00-13:30. Εγκαίνια: Δευτέρα, 27 Ιουνίου 19:30
Δείτε τη σύνδεση για τους χάρτες πιο κάτω
Rüya Reşat ve Anna Kakoulli’nin geç dönem eserlerinin sergileneceği bu sergi, adadaki sanat severleri Rüya Reşat’ın anısını ve sanatçı arkadaşı Anna Kakoulli’yi onurlandırmak için bir araya getirmeyi umut etmektedir. Bu etkinlik UNFICYP, Sayın Mehmet Harmancı ve Sayın Constantinos Yiorkadjis’in himayelerinde gerçekleşecektir.
6-10 Haziran Mağusa Kapısı. Ziyaret saatleri: Salı – Cuma 10:00 – 13:00 ve 16:00 – 20:00. Açılış Pazartesi: 19:30
27 Haziran – 2 Temmuz Saçaklı Ev. Ziyaret saatleri: Salı – Cuma 08:00 – 18:30 Cumartesi 10:00 – 13:00. Açılış Pazartesi: 19:30
Famagusta Gate/Πύλη Αμμοχώστου/ Mağusa Kapısı:
Eaved House/ Saçaklı Ev:
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