It was early this year that this project was discussed and displayed here in Cyprus at the Lokmaci Crossing. Now, the participants from Cyprus will go to New York to be present at the presentation.
New News is Old News exhibition at The Gowanus Studio Space Nov 11 – Nov 25, 2011 166 7th Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11215 ... Gallery hours: Thursday – Sunday 3pm-8pm and by appointment Opening Reception: Friday November 11, 2011, 7pm – 10pm
((Brooklyn, 11/11/11): _gaia together with its collaborators in Cyprus: The Cyprus Community Media Centre (CCMC), the European Mediterranean Arts Association (EMAA) and Rooftop Theatre Group present the New News is Old News: A Wonder Women Project at The Gowanus Studio Space.
In January 2011, _gaia studio invited 10 New York & New Jersey based artists to participate in their residency program Wonder Women, exploring the changing media landscape in a project called ‘New News is Old News.’ The work was been completed and exhibited at Gallery Aferro in Newark, NJ. Its curators Doris Caçoilo and Maya Joseph-Goteiner along with three of the artists, Christine DaCruz, Sharon De La Cruz and Lindsey Muscato travelled to Cyprus upon invitation by the Cypriot organizers, Alana Kakoyiannis, on behalf of CCMC, Ozgul Ezgin on behalf of EMAA & Ellada Evangelou, on behalf of Rooftop to stage a similar program with artists in Nicosia and to present the culmination of the week-long process in an exhibition at the Peace Room in Nicosia.
On November 11, 2011 the work from both parts of the residency project will be exhibited at The Gowanus Studio Space. Artists and curators from Cyprus will travel to NYC to join the local artists for this special reunion of Wonder Women.
During the residency, the curators and selected artists: US based Christine DaCruz, Mairikke Dau, Sharon de la Cruz, Melissa MacAlpin, Escobar-Morales, Lindsey Muscato, Larysa Myers, Cristine Posner, Sharone Vendriger, Nicole Wilson and Cyprus based Heleniq Argyrou, Kakia Catselli, Eser Keçeci, Gökçe Keçeci Şekeroğlu, Costantia Manoli, Maria Petrides and Julie Sandor met for critique sessions and discussions related to the media.
In their projects for the exhibition, the artists focus on communication and the content of news in US and Cypriot media, paying particular attention our changing relationship to news. Among the many collaborations and discussions the projects immerged as individual and collective experiments. Christine Da Cruz and Maria Petrides collaborate to collect oral histories and create embroidered portraits of women. Sharon de la Cruz uses the American cultural iconography of Aunt Jemima to present her vision of Crooked Images. Melissa MacAlpin illustrates love stories from the NY Times. Lindsey Muscato considers the physical experience of reading a broadsheet illuminating details from newspaper articles in her drawings of controlled coffee spills. Julie Sandor deconstructs TV media consumption using found video.
All 17 artists will show a selection of the work created in the US and Cyprus residencies in a group exhibition at The Gowanus Studio Space beginning Friday, November 11th at 7:00PM and will remain open until Friday, November 25th The project is made possible through the generous support of the U.S. Embassy's Bicommunal Support Program (BSP) as well as through a crowd sourcing initiative launched by _gaia studio using Kickstarter and our hosts Gowanus Studio Space.
THE EVENT IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. For further details, please visit: _gaia - http://www.gaiastudio.org/wonderwomen/ The Gowanus Studio Space - http://gowanusstudio.org/See More