Heidi Trautmann
26th October, Tuesday09:15 - 11:00 at Home for Cooperation
Falun DAFAFREE FALUN DAFA SESSIONS by Marlen Karletidou every Tuesday!
Falun Dafa is an ancient way to improve body and mind. Deeply rooted in the Chinese tradition, it consists of 5 gentle and easy to learn exercises, including meditation, and the cultivation of character according to the principles of Truth, Kindness and Tolerance. Its peaceful nature as well as its method of self-improvement according to the principles of Truth, Benevolence and Tolerance helped many people find better health and well-being for their minds, bodies and spirits. The practice of Falun Dafa is always free of charge and is taught by more advanced Falun Gong volunteers practitioners.
For more information please visit the website: www.falundafa.org