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February 2017: Home for Cooperation Newsletter 1
Home for Cooperation February Newsletter - 1
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This month we are announcing an opportunity for hourly-based work at the Home for Cooperation and a number of event announcements from our network.
Make sure to read until the end, not to miss any!
Become an H4C Caretaker!
Home for Cooperation is looking for a Turkish-speaking caretaker to join the team!
Job description: Caretakers are responsible in assisting the organizers during events taking place at the Home for Cooperation after 18:00 Monday to Friday or on the weekends. Caretakers are called to confirm their availability before each event they will be responsible for.
Training on how to use the technical equipment will be provided by the Home for Cooperation team. If you are interested please send your CV to admin@home4cooperation.info or contact us at the Home for Cooperation.
Prio Seminar - Challenges to Press Freedom: The Global Landscape and the Case of Cyprus
The seminar will be focusing on the changing media landscape and its relation to democratic processes. The event will take place at the Home for Cooperation on
February 6
, 9:00-16.00 (EET). Simultaneous interpretation into Greek, Turkish & English will be offered during the seminar. For more information please check the
event page on Facebook
Poetry Night at the Home
February 13
, Home for Cooperation is going to host two special poets, one Palestinian and one Israeli, to share their "poems from the conflict zone". Both Amir or and Marwan Makhoul are award-winning poets, with their poems translated in several different languages. The event, moderated by renowned Cypriot poet Neşe Yaşın, will start at 18:30 (EET) with a presentation from the poets and continue with reading and will end at 20:30 (EET) with questions. Keep an eye on our
Facebook page
for updates regarding the event!
Peace Installation: Doves
Cyprus Society for Education through Arts is inviting us all to a peaceful installation! On
February 12
at 11:00, there will be gathering near Home for Cooperation to place their very own "peace doves" to express their wish for long-awaited peace in Cyprus. More information in Greek, Turkish and English can be found on the
event page
Study in Europe Day
EU Scholarship programme for Turkish Cypriots funded by the EU and implemented by British Council, is organizing an
at the Home for Cooperation on
February 21
, at 13:30 (EET), bringing representatives from Netherlands, France, Italy, Finland, Sweden, Poland and Germany as well as higher education institutions operating in the Republic of Cyprus.
Youth Peace Camp
Youth Peace Camp 2017, organized by the Council of Europe will take place in Strasbourg, France between
30 April – 7 May
. Main aim of the camp is to engage young people from conflict regions in dialogue with activities based on human rights and intercultural learning.
Deadline for applications is February 8
. More information can be found on
Edu Active's website
Copyright © 2017, Home for Cooperation, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Home for Cooperation
28 Marcou Dracou Street, Nicosia, 1102, Cyprus
* Please note that the Home is located in the UN Buffer Zone, opposite Ledra Palace Hotel.
Contact numbers:
+357 22 445740
+90 548 834 5740
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