Heidi Trautmann

Oct 15 - 22 - ART EXHIBITION HEIDI TRAUTMANN 2010 - My World in Sketches







Heidi Trautmann’ın Sanat Sergisi  2010 – “Eskizler Dünyam”


Heidi Trautmann’ın sergi davetiyesinde şöyle bir cümle var : “Günümüzün yaşamı, hızla geçip giderken yan gözle yakaladığımız eskizlerin ard arda dizilişinden başka bir şey değil. Yaşam, zamanın ilerlemesine dirensek de onun hep bize karşı geldiği, engellerle dolu bir yarış pisti.” Heidi’nin eskizler, desenler, kolajlar ve mono baskılarla düzenleyeceği bu yılki sergisinin sanatsal projesi için oluşturduğu düşünce bu...


Birkaç yıldan beri, haftada bir kez, canlı modelle çalışma yapan Heidi ve ressam arkadaşları; anatomi, hareket, ifade ve grafik sunum konularında ciddi araştırma ve çalışmalar yapıyorlar. Bu çalışmalarda erkek ve kadın modeller onlara poz veriyor. Her bir çalışma oturumu birbirinden farklı teknikte ve her birinde değişik malzeme kullanılıyor. İnsan bedeni öyle harika bir yapıya sahip ki, Heidi bu çalışmalara doyamıyor. Burada önemli olan, önünde oturan modeli kopya etmek değil, kendisi tarafından daha önceden hazırlanan kağıt üzerine durumların yerleştirilmesidir. “Biz insanlar, hergün kabullenip benimsemek zorunda olduğumuz yaşamsal durumlarla karşılaşıyoruz, bunun başka yolu yok. Yağmuru durduramayız, bu yıl olduğu gibi bizi insafsızca yakan güneşi önleyemeyiz. Her tür olaya uyum sağlayarak onlarla yaşamak durumundayız, ya da arkamızı döner kaybolup gideriz. İşte, sanat çalışmalarımın özündeki fikirler bunlar. Rastgele mono baskılar, kolajlar ve resimlerle kağıt üzerinde bazı durum hazırlıkları oluşturduktan sonra önümdeki figürü bunun üzerine yerleştirmeye çalışıyorum. Kağıdın kenarları dışında sınır yok ve bu ortam hayret edilecek biçimde iyi işliyor. Belki bir gün, yaşamsal durumlar gerektirirse, insanların da kanatları olacak.”


Heidi’nin sanat çalışmalarının felsefesinde bir başka düşünce daha var. İnsanlar öyle yüzeysel amaçlar, gereksiz lüksler içine girmişler ki, hep mutsuzluğa yol açan şeylere yöneliyorlar ve böylece yaşamın gerçek değerlerini unutuyorlar. Ama güzelliğin her yerde, küçük ve basit şeylerde bulunacağını unutmamak gerek.


Sergi açılışı:

15 Ekim 2010, Cuma, saat 18:00


Sergi yeri:

Opel Plaza Sanat Galerisi


Sergi süresi:

15 – 22 Ekim, saat 10:00 – 16.00

Veya sanatçıdan randevuyla;

Telefon: 0533 876 74 70

e-mail: heiditrautmann@hotmail.com



Merit Lefkoşa Hotel, Küp Şarapları, ZOOM Magazine





My World in Sketches


“Life today is nothing but a sequence of sketches, glimpsed from the corner of our eye while we speed past. Life is a racing track full of obstacles with time our adversary, since we are always resisting its progress”, Heidi Trautmann says in her invitation.  This is a thought she has formed and is using as her art project for this year’s exhibition which is nothing but sketches, drawings, collages, monoprints.


For several years now, she and a group of artists meet for life drawing sessions once a week to seriously study and work on anatomy, movement, expression and graphic presentation. Male and female models sit for them. Each session is different, and several different media are used. The human body is so wonderfully constructed that Heidi can never have enough of it. The point is not to copy the model in front of her but to place the model in situations Heidi has prepared on the paper in advance. “We humans are daily facing situations in life which we have to accept and adapt ourselves to, there is no way out. We cannot make the rain stop or prevent the sun from burning mercilessly as in this year’s summer.  We have to adapt to all sorts of events and live with them or turn round and perish. And this is the idea which stands behind my art work. I have created a situation on paper with random mono prints, collages or painting, and have tried to incorporate the figure in front of me on top of it. There are no limits apart from the edges of the paper, and surprisingly it always works. Perhaps one day human beings will grow wings if our life situation demands it.”


There is another thought behind Heidi’s art work philosophy. People are so absorbed in superficial aims, unnecessary luxury; they rush for things which only bring unhappiness and therefore forget the real things of value in life.  Beauty, however, can be found everywhere, in small things, simple things.


The opening evening is on

Friday October 15, 18:00 hrs


Venue: Opel Plaza Art Gallery

Duration of Exhibition: October 15 – 22

Visiting hours: daily 10 am to 4 pm


Or by appointment Tel 0533 876 7470

Email: heiditrautmann@hotmail.com



Merit Lefkoşa Hotel, Küp Şarapları, ZOOM Magazine



About the artist


Heidi Trautmann was born in 1941 in Königsberg in eastern Prussia. At the age of nineteen, she spent some years with her father in Angola and Nigeria. Later, she lived with her husband in South Africa for six years, where two of her children were born. She worked there as a conference interpreter, translator and painter working together with local artists.

Back in Germany in the 1980’s, she continued studying art in the studio of artist Rolf Märkl for three years and took part in various joint exhibitions.

For four years she worked as a worldwide travel guide for her husband’s travel agency.

Later she established – together with other artists – an art and studio house for various disciplines, the “Werkhof” between Salzburg and Munich. For some years, she organised barn operas, musical events with international artists, literary circles, art exhibitions, pottery, art and craft markets.

She then worked as technical author for about ten years.

Then it was time to build a sailing boat with her husband. They went off together to live on the boat for six years, and they sailed the entire Mediterranean until they came to Cyprus in 1999.  Here, they laid anchor for good in 2001.  Heidi joined the Levantine Art College in Edremit in 2001 and is still working today with the same group of artists. In Cyprus, she had one solo art exhibition in 2005 and two joint ones in 2006 and 2007.

Heidi has written two travel books, one published in April 2005, the second in October 2007, both in German. The third is in preparation.  From 2005 to the present, she has been writing articles for local newspapers,  ZOOM Magazine,  Pegasus Airlines Magazine and her own website www.heiditrautmann.com  on art, culture and cultural events. In January 2010 her book “Art and Creativity in North Cyprus” in English and Turkish was launched, published by EMAA, the local art association.


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