Heidi Trautmann

May 11: Let’s celebrate the 1st Anniversary of ‘Toparlaniyoruz’

By Heidi Trautmann


‘Something is rotten in the State of Denmark’… Hamlet by Shakespeare…something is rotten and literally stinks to heaven in Nicosia, in Cyprus, it smells of standstill, of chaos, of helplessness. Rumours rise like smoke of an open fire that there is a new movement to awaken social awareness, people turn their heads and listen, people of all communities, of all professions, colour and provenance, communities that have made Cyprus their home and have arrived at a point of frustration….’ This is what I wrote some time ago when I interviewed Dr. Kudret Öserzay, the Spiritus Rector of Toparlaniyoruz.

Now we received the invitation for the celebration of its 1st anniversary:


With your support we've left a long year behind
We walked together along this path
Celebrating our first year with you will also give us more strength ..
11may 19.30-21.00
Bedesten Nicosia
2279993 -05428610245


Thinking back, they say, it all started on Twitter amongst a few people, sharing their despair about the corruption in Northern Cyprus. They decided that something must be done about it.

The members of the association that was formed within a few months are all volunteers, among them lawyers, lecturers, housewives, retired teachers, civil servants, students, doctors,

architects, company owners and of many other professions and background.


A lot has been achieved in just one year: over 70 villages have been visited by the leader Dr. Kudret Öserzay listening and answering the questions of all persons met and bringing awareness to the communities about justice and legal rights.

The aim of the association is transparency on all levels, also within their own organization. Representatives from many NGOs and institutions have visited Toparlaniyoruz; there were TV talks with all the candidates for the Nicosia Municipality about future plans and many more activities in the political and social scene. But also in other fields Toparlaniyoruz became active: there was the very successful action to help the association of disabled people for the purchase of two wheelchairs, the Blue-Cap-Action, gathering the caps of plastic bottles island-wide; or legal advice and action granted in doubtful court cases.


There is a lot to be celebrated, I would say.

Dr. Kudret Öserzay promises to hold a short speech while we drink to the health of the members and the success of the association.

Village meetings
Village meetings

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