75 - The Blue Cap Story goes on - Success for one of the many ‘Toparlaniyoruz’ activities
By Heidi Trautmann
While the field work to awaken the consciousness of society goes on and Dr. Kudret Özersay is talking to the people in places and villages of our island, the voluntary helpers organize other activities to help those who are in need. I reported on the fantastic blue cap movement some weeks ago which I would place under the title: Small input – great outcome. That proves again that in society we do not need much to get things moving. Restaurants, public offices and places, schools and kindergartens were, for some time now, collecting plastic blue caps which were sold by Toparlaniyoruz for TL 1,20 per kilo and for the money obtained they were now able to buy two wheel chairs for the Association of Disabled Persons. Two flies are caught at one stroke: collecting plastic as an environmental measure and doing something good for people in need.
Following the initiative of one school girl who took things in her own hands and collected blue caps in her school, other kids got excited by the idea that they could do something to help others. Now, Toparlaniyoruz have invited children to their office in Nicosia to create boxes for this purpose and make it a piece of art; so, last week they all met and were given coloured pencils, paper and all that was needed to decorate containers they are going to use for collecting more blue caps. In this playful way the children were led to hear and learn about other children and people who are not able to move as freely as they do, that they need a wheelchair to get around. This a very positive motivation for children to connect to people with less abilities of free movement.