Special CÖP Container at the Alsançak Municipality for used household batteries
By Heidi Trautmann
Once a month I go to our Municipality Office in Alsançak to pay our bills for water, electricity and rubbish removal. When I have a special question I go upstairs to the first floor and always find someone to very friendly provide me with an answer.
Last month I came up with the question what to do with used household batteries. They promised that they would find a solution and would let me know.
This month I brought them about 50 old batteries and I was happy to learn that they have thought about this problem and accepted my bag of special refuse. The mayor Dr. Atakara himself answered http://www.alsancakbelediyesi.org/index.asp?page=15
: “We will provide a special container for the inhabitants of Alsançak to bring their poisonous batteries and we will take care that the refuse is properly taken care of.”
That is good news, isn’t it? I told him that I would like to come and take a picture of the container and the place to bring it to the attention of the Alsançak inhabitants.
While we are waiting everybody can bring their old batteries already now and hand them over to Enver Özbrim on the first floor. He will take care of them.