| The photo exhibition „gute aussichten“ will open with the vernissage presentation "Photography in Germany today" by Aras Gökten,photographer, laureate of "gute aussichten", and a reception tonight at 7.00 p.m. in the exhibition hall of the Goethe-Institut Cyprus in Nicosia! Every year “gute aussichten” presents a singular and extensive survey of the style and the content of the portfolio of young German photographers. This year the exhibition features works by Aras Gökten, Lars Hübner, Felix Hüffelmann, Kyung-Nyu Hyun, Kolja Linowitzki, Jewgeni Roppel, Gregor Schmidt, Kamil Sobolewski and Maja Wirkus. In the twelfth year of “gute aussichten” selected the nine-member jury nine works, which questione our conception of the world radically: Quo-vadis, world? - Reflection and utopia The big question noticeable in all angles of the world, where the journey goes, is in this year the base tone, in which all the works of the nine “gute aussichten” winners 2015/2016 swing. During the opening of the exhibition an award ceremony will be organized for the winner of the photo competition on the topic of nature. The competition was initiated by the Goethe-Institut Cyprus as part of the interactive exhibition Rethinking – Learning from Nature, which was hosted by the Goethe-Institut on January 2016. The exhibition will be shown in Nicosia from 29.03.- 22.04.2016 mondays to fridays from 12.00 am – 6.00 pm in the exhibition hall of the Goethe-Institut Nicosia in the UN buffer zone (next to Ledra Palas Hotel). Admission is free! All are welcome! A catalogue about the exhibition in German and English will be available. |