Heidi Trautmann

A TULIPS Letter to thank those who made the Tulips Quiz & Raffle a success

On behalf of Tulips we would like to say thank you to everyone who came along to our TEB (Turk Ekonomi Bankasi ) Sponsored Tulips Quiz & Raffle night on Thursday (20th) at the O’live Bar in Alsancak.

We would like to say a huge thank you to TEB Bank for sponsoring this event, the bank donated 500TL, plus the staff in the branches had a collection and raised a further 800TL!

In order to make an event like this successful there have to be loads of people helping behind the scenes and these are just a few that we want to thank for their efforts and hard work on our behalf:

Huseyin and the staff at the O’live Bar (Alsancak); Rick and Steve who organised and ran the actual quiz; donors of the raffle prizes; the winning Quiz team who very kindly donated their 150TL prize money back to Tulips to help get the figure to over 3,000TL

 And again a big 'Thank you' to everyone who attended and bought raffle tickets at the event – it doesn’t matter how much organising goes into an event, if it wasn’t for your support we could not raise the amounts that we do. The total amount raised is a fabulous – 3,045TL!



Steve Gittins Quiz Master
Steve Gittins Quiz Master

Michelle and Hüseyin at the O live Bar
Michelle and Hüseyin at the O live Bar

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