Heidi Trautmann

538 Turkish Cypriot artist Inci Kansu at 19th International Congress of Aesthetics in Krakow Poland

By Heidi Trautmann


Do you know Krakow? Throughout centuries Krakow has been one of the most important cities in this part of Europe, together with Vienna, Prague, or Budapest. The Krakow we know is a royal city, for many years the capital of Poland, the venue of the oldest Polish university, a city of scholars, artists and poets. Although considerably extended, its inhabitants and visitors still view Krakow as an intimate old town with traditions dating back to the Middle Ages.

Here our artist Inci Kansu participated in the 19th Jubilee International Congress of Aesthetics - ‘Aesthetics in Action’.  

IAA – International Association For Aesthetics – was established in Berlin in 1913. The International Congress of Aesthetics is held every three years under the auspices of the Association and is the principal event in aesthetics worlwide. This was a Jubilee Congress, celebrating the 100th year and was organised by the Polish Society of Aesthetics and International Association for Aesthetics. The host was the Jagiellonian University founded in 1364 and celebrating its 650th anniversary. It is the oldest and currently the best Polish University. Honorary Patronages: The Mayor of Krakow, the Minister of Science and Higher Education, The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and other sponsors supported this activity.

450 scholars and artists from universities all over the world attended this Congress. A great chance to exchange ideas and compare perspectives.


Inci Kansu shared her impressions with me: “We were made very welcome and had a whole week of interesting lectures. I have been a member of this association for a long time but have not participated in their activities very often. My first paper for the association was ‘Aesthetics of the Colour Red’ at the 17th Congress in 2007 which was held in Ankara at the Middle East Technical University. At this Congress in Krakow, under the general title and topic of “Aesthetics and Human Conflict” and “Aesthetics and Nature” I gave a paper entitled ‘Desiring Scarlet Copper Mine in Cyprus’. It is the story of a ‘Landscape Stripped of its Beauty, Naturality, Naturalness’.  I started my speech with the song by Kamuran Aziz “Is Cyprus just an island or a  place in Heaven?” which put the audience in good humour. To accompany my speech I presented slides taken by Ersin Taser which showed the sad story of the region abandoned since CMC (Cyprus Mining Company) and some by Atila Karaderi showing the beautiful Lefka area. Some of my ‘Cuprum’ works were shown throughout the duration of the Congress.”

“Other events accompanying the congress were very impressive: guided tours to the Museum of Contemporary Art MOCAK, National Museum of Krakow, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Manggha Center of Japanese Art and Technology and a fabulous reception by Mayor of the City of Krakow and so many more interesting events. True Polish hospitality.”

Thank you, Inci, for bringing home such impressive images of a beautiful place in that part of Europe; it wets my appetite  for going there myself.


Inci Kansu and her work of the series CUPRUM on display at the University of Krakow
Inci Kansu and her work of the series CUPRUM on display at the University of Krakow

Inci Kansu talking about Cyprus
Inci Kansu talking about Cyprus

Main Square of Krakow
Main Square of Krakow

One of Inci Kansu
One of Inci Kansu's work of the CUPRUM series

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