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Jun 11 - 20: Reminder: CHEAPART CYPRUS 2015 in Nicosia and Limassol
CHEAPART CYPRUS 2015 | Nicosia – Limassol
The international network of CHEAPART exhibitions is open for applications for the 5th consecutive edition CHEAPART CYPRUS.
Visual Artists Association (Cyprus ) - EI.KA
2 Nehru Str., Nicosia Municipal Garden, 1102
Nicosia, Cyprus
Opening: Thursday June 11, 2015, 20:00
Duration: June 11 – June 20, 2015
The Trade Event Venue
18 Kitiou Kyprianou Str.,
Limassol, Cyprus
Opening: Friday June 12, 2015
Duration: June 12 – June 20, 2015
For the first time this year CHEAPART.CYPRUS will be held simultaneously in two cities; Nicosia and Limassol from June 11 – June 20, 2015. Hundreds of contemporary art works will be on display for 10 days, creating a cross -city platform among artists, art professionals and the public to exchange ideas and ferment future collaborations.
CHEAPART exhibitions expand the visibility of contemporary art through the low selling price of the work. In so, it is feasible for both art lovers and the general public to acquire an original work of art. For more than 20 years CHEAPART has reached out to thousands of art lovers, establishing a direct bond among artists and the public. Artists have the opportunity to experiment with their ideas and market their work, while the public is indulged in the creative process as an active part of evolution of the show.
Participating artists: Cemal Akyüz, Stefanos Alafouzos, Christos Alatsakis, Mikaella Alexandrou, Maria Anastasiou, Maria Andronikou, Yiota Apostolopoulou, Maria Avraam, Anthia Mega Chavre, Fotini Christodoulou, Domna Delliou, Milena Dimitrokallis, Andrie Drousiotou, Andrea Evangelou, Voula Ferentinou, Dimitra Grigoriou, Josephine Heich, Andri Kapsali, Niko Karathanasis, Yannis Karpouzis, Eleni Kastrinogianni, Ismene King, Panos Koufos, Petroula Krigkou, Elpida Kyriakou, Dorina Malliou, Dia Manesi, Ilias Mavrovas, Alexandra May, Simone Medici, Loula Mela, David Michael, Christos Michlis, Anna Miltiadou, Lena Mios, Yolanda Naranjo, Yiannis Nomikos, Katerina Orrou, Stefano Paci, Niki Pagiasi, Maria Papacharalampous, Christina Parakende, Marianna Penga, Christina Pishiara, Molivia Porpoda, Nadia Rapti, Georgia Michaelides Saad, Katerina Savvides, Irene Shamma, Anita Socratous, Leda Sperelaki, Thanos Stokas, George Striftaris, Kate Theodosiou, Martha Tsiara, Maria Tsimbourla, Sofia Tsimini, Nikos Vavatsis, Yolanda Sanchez Vavik, Eve Yianni, Toula Zavou.
CHEAPART Limassol Cyprus 2015.
A vast showcase of artists from Cyprus, Greece and abroad.
Curated by:
George Georgakopoulos (CHEAPART)
Dimitris Georgakopoulos (CHEAPART)
Tasos Stylianou (CHEAPART Cyprus Partner)
Communications: Fotini Kapiris
Info: office@cheapart.gr
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