Confrontation through Art – Children at ARTWork and Play
European Mediterranean Art Association (EMAA) and Rooftop Theatre Group, are happy to present the artistic outcome of the Children’s workshops in Solia and Lefke, Rizokarpaso and Athienou areas, realized during the summers of 2015 and 2016, in one exhibition at the Goethe Institute within the Ledra Palace Buffer Zone.
The exhibition is curated by all the Cypriot artists-instructors who worked with the children: Antignoni Sofocleous, Sinem Ertaner, Zehra Sonya, Polly Flourentzou, Marilena Kyriakou, Fatma Giritli, Oya Akin, Ellada Evangleou, Stefanos Karampampas & Naz Atun.
You are cordially invited to the opening of the exhibition Children at ARTWork and Play on Saturday, 26th November 2016, at 18:00 (GMT +2).
Mr. Andreas Pirishis, Coordinator of the Technical Committees and Ms Meltem Onurkan Samani, President of the Technical Committee for Education will inaugurate the exhibition, while Ms. Michela Foresti from the European Commission and Community Representatives will join, greet the children and celebrate their common works.
A reception will follow.