The Berlin Girls Choir it’s the first German Girls Choir which visits Cyprus and it comes from the former divided (capital) city Berlin to Nicosia, the last „divided capital city of the world“. The Berlin Girls Choir was founded in 1986. This ensemble is the oldest, biggest and most successful choir school for girls in Berlin. Around 160 girls and young women, aged between 6 and 28, are singing in five groups. The repertoire comprises polyphonic literature from all eras. A special focus lays on premieres of contemporary compositions. The girls regularly take part in projects of well-known Berlin choirs and orchestras and perform in all famous concert halls of the German capital. The Choir will give five concerts on the island: Saturday, 28th October 2017, 6.30 p.m. in Dasaki Achnas, Common Hall of Dasaki Achnas Sunday, 29th October 2017, 7.30 p.m. in Ayia Napa, Municipal Museum of Ayia Napa Thalassa, Kriou Nerou 14, Agia Napa Tuesday, 31th October 2017, 7:30 p.m. in Larnaca, Larnaka Municipal Theatre, Leonida Kioupi Thursday, 2nd November 2017, 7 p.m. in Nicosia, Auditorium of the Pancypriot Gymnasium, Nicosia Saturday, 4th November 2017, 7 p.m. in Pafos, Pafos Music School, Georgiou Griva Digeni 7 Admission: free
Sponsored by: Goethe-Institut – Goethe-Institut Zypern, Auswärtiges Amt – German Embassy Nicosia, Freunde der Musikschule Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf e.V. – Verband deutscher Musikschulen, Chorverband Berlin (CVB) The Berlin Girls Choir was invited by the German Teachers Association. |